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Frequently Asked Questions

For our customers

How do I open up an Account

Click on Sign in on the top left side of the page.

Register your account as a “Customer”

Nothing – there are no upfront fees for registering as a customer or requesting contact on our website for car washers.

Unlike other websites, we do not force you to pay first before you secure a car wash service for your car. We charge a Booking fee only when you’ve found a car washer and they fit your requirements.

You can use the search bar’s filtering to enter your city and the category of service you’re looking and then you will receive results catered to your of the nearest car washer.

the results should look similar to the page below: 

For our Cash detailing & wash Expert

How do I create my profile

Click on Sign in on the top left side of the page.

Register as a “Car Wash Expert”,

 On your user dashboard select “My Profile” and you will redirected to a page where you can update and edit your profile. 

We encourage babysitters to write bio descriptions and upload a picture on their appointments. 

As people get to know the profile faster and generally more likely to accept booking requests when they can read up a little bit more about the person requesting.

It’s another way to quickly build some confidence and trust between people. Don’t worry about writing an entire essay or your life story 🙂

Three – Four lines about you, the family ages, pet, experience and the home will suffice. You can look at other profiles on our website for inspiration.

Please Fill out the relevant information on the My Profile page and save changes:

Nothing – there are no upfront fees for registering as a car washer or requesting to contact customers.

Unlike other websites, we do not force you to pay first before you secure a car washer or a client. We charge a Booking fee only when you secure a booking and are happy to take on the job.

However, we do take a percentage being 15 % of the profit when you secure a booking.

Step 1: Press on “Add Car Wash Service” 

Step 2: Fill out the information for your Listing. 

Step 3: Upload pictures for your car wash service at the bottom.

Step 4: Press preview 

Step 5: Review your listing and submit listing if satisfied.


After, you have secured a booking and the client has paid, you will be able to utilise the Payout Functions in the “Wallet” found in either the Use Dashboard drop-down list or under the main side panel. 

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